2022-04-01 12:29:29 31
Seeking My Answer
——Film Review Of< Forrest Gump>
A dream which the film reaches us is the charm of the film,someone said,” is a comedy dream”,and someone said,” has a colour of staire”…today we don’t talk about American politics and history.I only want to talk something about human nature in the film.
In this film,I have to say,”Forrest Gump is a lucky dog.”Because although all of his action are unconscious and lack of thinking opinion,everytime he can get a goog result—a footballstar,a war hero,a richer…why?Out of question,it’s hope,and that is one of many issues which this film want to tell us.
Inside Forrest’s heart,hope is equal to running and the box of chocolate─you never know what you’are gonna get.
When the first time Jenny asked Forrest to run away and the first time Forrest freed himself from the bondage,hope had been growing up in his mind.And later,the death of his mother and the Jenny’s disappearance once again disappointed him.For searching his hope back,he began to run and the running lasted three years.At this momen,I think,he has already tooken running for his hope.Like his words,”I just felt like running.”
And what is the Jenny’s hope?In fact,the beginning of the film has already told us—she prayed that she can turn to a bird,flying higher and higher.But at last,she lost herself.
I think this is a clever point in the film,— the hopes are good for our life or bad for our life.
The answer to this question I still look for…
DESTINY To face destiny,this film has three kinds figure represent three attitudes.Forrest’s mother represent believer,Captain Dan represent suspicious men,Jenny represent rebel. Forrest’s mother in bed told Forrest:”It’s something we’re all destined to do.I didn’t know,but I was destined to be your momma.I did the best I could.” And Captain Dan at the beginning believed his destiny strongly,but after many things he started to doubt his destiny.In rainstorm,he roared:”Where the hell’s this God of yours?” He didn’t believe God any longer.His action showed that this kind of men are in a puzzle ─Does the destiny exist on earth?
Jenny,as a rebel,has been rebeling her ordinary living all the time—turning on the cover of,singing in the bar…She symbolises the rising generation in this American period.They rebeled this society and the destiny forced by tradition.But,this rebel tired in the end,and she choosed died calmly in Forrest’s arms.
Forrest,who watches from outside,tolds us the film’s issue:
“I don’t know if we each have a destiny,or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze,but I think maybe it’s both.Maybe both is happening at the same time.I miyou,Jenny.If there’s anything you need,I won’t be far away. “
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