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2022-04-01 12:10:31 15




上海市南湖职业学校创办于1981年,2000年根据市教委关于职业教育进行布局调整的决策,投资2.8亿元,建设了南湖职校新校区。2000年6月经教育部批准为首批国家级重点职校,2000年12月批准为上海市现代化标志性职校。2011年被教育部批准为第二批国家改革发展示范校立项学校。2015年2月,代表上海市接受教育部对国家中等职业教育改革发展示范学校建设项目进行实地验收。现有学生3000多名,教职工400多名,占地面积154亩。绿化面积占40%,堪称布局合理,设计新颖,环境优美的花园式学校。学校拥有先进的现代化教学实训设施:装备有12个计算机房、4个语音室、100座的学生电子阅览室、达国标的体育馆、全套的摄录象系统和监控系统、完整的校园网和多媒体教学系统等;拥有与专业紧密结合的模拟银行、世界流通货币教学展示室、国际邮轮教学基地、航空实训室、国际商务实训中心、汽修实训中心、航运实训中心、网络实训室等实训设施。南湖职校建校以来,得到了各级领导的关心和中外人士的关注。上海市两任市长徐匡迪和韩正曾先后来到学校视察,对优美的校园,学生精湛的技能和良好的精神风貌留下了深刻的印象;教育部职成教司领导黄尧、王继平以及市教委两任主任张伟江、薛明扬等都先后到南湖来视察工作;加拿大、澳大利亚、德国、瑞士等一批批国外教育代表团纷纷慕名而来,探讨联合办学之路。南湖新校成立以来,紧贴市场谋发展,取得可喜成绩,先后获得全国职业教育先进单位、全国模范职工之家、市花园单位、市学生行为规范示范校、市青保工作先进学校、市信息技术工作先进集体等荣誉称号。在“海纳百川、追求卓越”的城市精神的启示下,全校教职工总结概括了“创业创新、追求一流”的南湖精神。并在实践中逐渐形成了“发展·特色·改革”的办学思路和“把需要生活的人培育成生活需要的人”的办学宗旨。学校专业板块有财经商贸、旅游服务、信息技术、交通运输和文化艺术等五大类专业,具体包括:金融事务、会计、国际商务、物流服务与管理、电子商务、高星级酒店运营与管理、中餐烹饪、计算机网络技术、航空服务、汽车运用与维修、轨道交通、航运、服装展示与礼仪、多媒体设计制作等专业。这些专业都能和市场适应,和社会对接而不错位。南湖职校注重学生综合素质的培养,对职业道德和技能训练长抓不懈,着力打造学生的'“关键能力”,在上海市“星光计划”中职生技能比赛中,连续五届获金牌总数第一。南湖的毕业生受到社会的广泛好评和越来越多的用人单位的青睐,目前已有几十家用人单位与学校保持着固定的“联办”关系,就业率一直保持在96%以上,学生的毕业和就业的零距离获得用人单位一致好评。文汇报曾头版头条以《适销对路,“火”了职校生》为标题作了长篇报道。一流城市,应有一流教育,也应有一流职业学校。上海城市社会经济的迅速发展为上海的职业教育提供了巨大的空间和舞台,南湖人将抓住机遇,加大创新力度,加快发展速度,为一流城市培养更多的适用人才。Brief Description of ShanghaiNanhu Vocational SchoolShanghai Nanhu Vocational Schoolwas founded in 1981. In 2000,the new campus was built with the investment of200 million RMB under the guidance of the strategy about layout adjustment ofvocational schools issued by Shanghai Municipal Education Committee. In June ofthe same year,it was approved to be one of the first state-level leadingvocational schools by the Ministry of Education. In December 2000,it becameone of the modern and typical vocational schools in Shanghai. In 2011,it wasapproved to be a project-established school designated for the state keyconstruction of the“National Secondary Vocational Reform & DevelopmentDemonstration School Project. InFebruary 2015,Nanhu Vocational School,as a model of NationalSecondary Vocational Education Reform and Development Demonstration SchoolProject in Shanghai,checked and accepted by the Ministry of Education.At present the school has more than 400 faculty staff and about 3000students with an area of 154 mu(approximately102,672m2),including40% of landscaped area. The campus can be called a garden-like school with goodlayout,novel design and beautiful surroundings. It has superb,modern teachingfacilities equipped with12 computer classrooms,4 language labs,an electronicreading room with a capacity of 100 students,a standardized gym,a whole setof video and audio system and monitor system and a complete campus network andmulti-media teaching system. In addition,the school has a variety ofspecialized training facilities,closely servicing the specialties,suchas mock banking,world current currency demonstration room,cruisetraining center,aviation training center,international commercetraining center,motor vehicles maintenance training center,navigationtraining center and network training rooms.The school has been under greatsupport of various level leaders and attracted wide attention from people homeand abroad since it was founded. Han Zheng and Xu Kuangdi,former mayors of thecity,ever paid a visit to the school. They were both deeply impressed by the beautifulcampus,the students’ excellent skills and good spiritual outlook. Many otherleaders also visited the school at different time,including Huang Yao and WangJiping from Vocation & Adult Education Department of the Ministry ofEducation,Zhang Weijiang and Xue Mingyang,two former directors of ShanghaiMunicipal Education Committee. Many delegates from Canada,Australia,Germanyand Switzerland have been to the school to negotiate the way of jointestablishment and running of the training projects for its good reputation.The school has been pursuingdevelopment by way of closely contacting job markets and it has been awarded manyhonors,including National Vocational Education Model Unit,National ModelFamily of Employees,Municipal Garden-Like Unit,Municipal Students RegulationDemonstration School,Municipal Youth Protection Model Unit,Municipal ITAdvanced Collective. Inspired by the city spirit “embracing diversity,pursuingperfection”,all the staff of the school generalize the Nanhu slogan,“entrepreneurial innovation and the pursuitof perfection”. Through practice the school has gradually formed its ownmode in running a school,that is,“development,characteristic and reform” andestablished the school mission “Trainingthose who need a job to be a person who is matched to available jobs”.The majors of the school fall intofive categories: Finance and Business,Tourism Service,Information Technique,Transportation and Culture and Art,which includes Financial Business,Accounting,International Business,Logistic Service and Management,ElectronicBusiness,High Star –Level Hotel Operation and Management,Chinese Cuisine,Computer Network Technique,Aviation Service,the Use and Maintenance of MotorVehicles,Metro Transportation,Shipment,Fashion Demonstration and Manners,Multi-media Design and Producing,etc. All the majors are well matched to the jobmarkets and connected to the society closely.The school focuses on the trainingof the students’ comprehensive characteristics and contributes lasting effortsto the students’ professional moral and skills,enhancing the students “coreabilities”. In the skill competitions of the five past Star Projects forvocational school students,the number of gold medals ranked top each timeamong all the vocational schools in Shanghai. The graduated students are widelycomplimented and receive preference from employers. At present,the schoolmaintains stable cooperation relationships with scores of employing bodies. Therate of employment reaches over 96%. There is almost no gap between the levelof the graduates’ skills and the requirements of the available jobs. Wenhui Daily,a local paper,had a longreport in its headline on the front page about the school.A first-class city should be matchedwith a first-class education as well as first-class vocational schools. Therapid development of social economy in Shanghai provides the vocationaleducation in the city with a large space and stage. All the staff in Nanhu willsurely seize the opportunity,rein forcer innovation and speed up thedevelopment to foster more applicable talents for the city.

