2022-04-01 12:09:44 14
I have some difficulty in learning English. For example,I cant tell the difference between written English and spoken English. Sometimes I often make mistakes while speaking to others.Talking about English study,I think practice is necessary and important.
For the improvement of English,we should practice as much as possible.Before classes,we must preview the lesson by repeating after the tapes and look up the new words in the dictionaries.When in class,we ought to try all our best to answer the teachers questions.And its very useful to keep the texts in mind. Listening to english news also does good to our english.expecially in improving my spoken English.
Even when we are small children we become used to hearing such old talks as"work hard and suceis waiting for you"or"your efforts is sure to be awarded by god".These do no always sound to be eternally true,especially after we are old enough to make decisons by ourselves.
I must admit it is an impossible task to prove these talks are basically wrong,what I want to say is,succeis the mixture of all these things: right choice,talent,morality,personal background,and a little luck,of course.The missing of any one of these will result in complete failure.That may best explain why many people can never achieve the goals they have strived for thoughout the life.
A man of enough wisdom does not haste to make his choice.Instead the first thing he does is to understand himself,knowing what he can do and what not,then he shall make a careful plan to develop his specialities rather than engaging himself in a cause that seems destined to fail.He takes his steps cleverly,always keep sharp to the opportunities that may
never reappears in his life.He does not do things not tolerated by the society in which he was born.
That is my opinion:Hard work is by no means the only prerequisite for success,there is much more other things to be emphasized besides it.
Maybe every student will ask themselves: “Why should we learn hard?” Today,I will talk this question with you. With the development of our society and entering WTO,the competition becomes sharper. If you want to be success,you should have more knowledge. For example,English has become a bridge of communication with foreigner. With the wide use of internet,mastering English has already become a trend. Our high school students learn well not only for entering a higher school or taking up an occupation,but also making an effort for the development of our society.努力学习的英文作文3
Scientific evidence has shown that hard-working people live longer in comparison. This is because it keeps them engaged and distracts them from loneliness as people come into contact with each other. It also gives a sense of fulfillment.I agree that hard work often leads to happiness in life. It is in work and discipline that people are able to find fulfillment,as they are actively working towards a goal. Take my friend Xiao Ming for example,he manages to cope with both school work and recreaction simply by managing his time well. This,I believe,is an example to be followed. I believe that there is a time for work and a time for play,when the priorities are in order and managed properly,both can be preserved.
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