2022-04-01 12:09:30 30
Stop the Rumor With Wisdom
Dear classmates,I believe most of us have heared about at least 3 internet rumors. Such as: the world would end in 2012,the iodine in salt can protect people from nuclear radiation. In fact,we may have seen more rumors than we thought,that is because on the one hand,with the help of internet,rumors are increasing sincema-ki-ng and spreading them is getting more and more convenient. On the other hand,some of them were disguised withauthority or science or even friendly reminder,which make it more difficult to see through.
In this situation,we must do something to stop internet rumor. Because it mislead people,fright peopleand damage the peaceof society,As apart of morden times internet communication,I highly recommend us to do 3 things to prevent internet rumor.
Firstly,we should never be the source of rumors. I know most of us won’t make rumors on purpose,but we can’t ensure what we said won’t be used by other individuals intentionally,or our original meaningswon’t be misinterpreted.Although the internet is open and free,that doesn’t mean we can say whatever we want without a second thought.
Secondly,we shouldn’t help the spread of internet rumors. Because the wilder the rumor spreaded,the more damage it will cause. We all know thatthree people spreading reports of a tiger make you believe there is one around. Thanks to the internet,now we can spread the rumor with only one share button. Even though we didn’t take the rumor for real when we push the button,it is possible for others to believe these rumors because they trust us. In the worst situation,our reputation may be destoried by this reckless behavior.
Last but not least,we should try our best to terminate the rumor. And that depends on our wisdom.In most cases,the rumors always pretend to be the truth,(有图有真-相)for that most of us would rather believe than not. But in fact,that doesn’t benefit anyone. The right way is keepingsuspicious about what we seeand hear,especially ofthose shocking or illogical. And using our professnial knowledge to make the right choice.
As the old saying goes,the wise men ended rumours. I believe as graduate students,we have enough wisdom to be the terminators of rumor. So,let’s stop the rumor with wisdom.
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