2022-04-01 12:08:30 21
再见的英语表达方式 1
1.Good day祝你一天愉快2. Bye bye再见
3. So long 再见
4. Cheerio 加油
5. Be seeing you 再见
6. Toodledoo 再见
7. Ciao 再见
8. Cheers 欢呼,喝彩
9. Take care 保重
10. Catch you later 待会儿见
11. Farewell 一路顺风
12. Have a nice day 祝你一天过的愉快
13. All the best 祝一切都好
14. Ta ta for now 再见
15. See you later alligator! 再见
16. Don't do anything I wouldn't do! 乖乖的喔!再见
17. Have fun 玩的开心
18. Good luck 祝你好运
19. Take it easy 放松点吧
20. Talk to you later 待会儿见
再见的英语表达方式 2
Section 69 Goodbyes“Goodbye” seems such a simple and common word.
This English word is known all around the world,yet there are many ways to say it.
In some countries,they use the same word for “goodbye” as “hello”.
Arabs and Israelis say “salom” or “shalom” for both “hello” and“goodbye”,and it means peace.
In the west we can say “see you”,“later”,“so long”,“farewell”,etc.
We often use phrases adopted from other languages.
“Au revoir”,French,“ciao”,Italian,are very commonly used in the west.
西方人也常用法语的“Au revoir”和意大利语的“ciao”来说再见。
A wave of the hand can say both hello and goodbye in most cultures.
To most of us,saying goodbye to close friends and family can be very painful.
If we know it is going to be for a long time,then goodbyes are emotional.
“Nice to have met you”,“Looking forward to seeing you again”,“Welcome back” are terms used in
situations where we don’t know the other person so well.“
Goodbyes have polite forms,informal forms and close friendship forms.
A goodbye can be accompanied by a kiss,or a shake of hands,or just a smile and anod.
One thing is for sure,most of the time “hello” is better than “goodbye”.
However we say it,it should always be remembered,that we can never say goodbye if there has never been “hello” first.
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