2022-03-31 12:25:20 54
英 [ˌʌndəˈstænd]美 [ˌʌndərˈstænd]第三人称单数:understands现在分词:understanding过去分词:understood过去式:understoodunderstand 基本解释及物/不及物动词 懂,理解及物动词 了解; 领会; 默认; 听说例句1. In this case the verb may be understood.在这种情况下这动词可以省略。2. We understand that you don't approve of our idea.据我们了解,你不赞成我们的想法。3. I don't understand what you're talking about.我不明白你在说什么。4. I understand that you will be moving here soon.我听说你就要搬到这儿来住了。understand的单语例句
1. The common man won't understand the business model because the government is paying for it.
2. Make certain that executives understand the business opportunity as thoroughly as they understand the solution,and have the courage to pursue the opportunity when appropriate.
3. The banks that originated mortgage loans sold their portfolios to investors who didn't really understand what they were buying.
4. One of the biggest challenges for families is helping their child understand why they may have been abandoned by their birth parents.
5. Freud's early work in psychology and psychoanalysis endeavored to understand and cure the human mind by means of hypnosis.
6. By the time they understand what maternal love is it's too late - because she is already dead.
7. With detailed explanations of the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions,the guidelines help managers of buildings understand how to quantify gas emissions.
8. Although some think tanks present scenarios of conflict,the reality is that Asian people understand that peace alone can ensure stability and progress.
9. I can totally understand if an ordinary Chinese has come to the conclusion that Cannes is about Chinese femmes fatale who kill with haute couture.
10. The captain and tour guide is obviously entertaining because everyone's laughing,though I can't understand much of what he's saying with my rudimentary German.
1. 理解;明白;听懂
If you understand someone or understand what they are saying,you know what they mean.
e.g. I think you heard and also understand me...
e.g. Rusty nodded as though she understood the old woman...
2. 懂(某种语言)
If you understand a language,you know what someone is saying when they are speaking that language.
e.g. I couldn't read or understand a word of Yiddish,so I asked him to translate.
3. 理解(某人)
To understand someone means to know how they feel and why they behave in the way that they do.
e.g. It would be nice to have someone who really understood me,a friend...
e.g. Trish had not exactly understood his feelings...
4. 知道,明白,了解(所发生的事及其原因)
You say that you understand something when you know why or how it happens.
e.g. They are too young to understand what is going on...
e.g. She didn't understand why the TV was kept out of reach of the patients...
5. 听说;获悉;了解
If you understand that something is the case,you think it is true because you have heard or read that it is. You can say that something is understood to be the case to mean that people generally think it is true.
e.g. We understand that she's in the studio recording her second album...
e.g. I understand you've heard about David...
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