2022-03-31 12:25:06 5
英 [tri:td]美 [tri:td]
treated 基本解释
已处理过的,精制过的,加工过的;对待;处理( treat的.过去式和过去分词 );探讨;请;
1. Sick of being badly treated,the father killed his son that day by accident while being abused again by him.
2. He is being treated by a group of doctors of his choice.
3. Many of the wounded were being treated in hallways by harried doctors and nurses running on little sleep.
4. The overweighted man travels by train from neighbouring Fugu County,to get treated.
5. The centre also has a hospital and a dog cafeteria,while professional pet attendants and training experts ensure the dogs are treated well.
6. Visitors answering the call of nature are even treated to soothing music.
7. The Duchess of Cambridge left a London hospital Thursday after being treated for acute morning sickness related to her pregnancy.
8. The people in Beijing treated us like rock stars when we came to town.
9. More than 300 people were hospitalized and after four hours were still being treated by candle and torchlight.
10. Mariah will be joined by husband Nick Cannon on the journey which will see them lavishly treated.
1. 87 old patients with chronic skin ulcer were treated and the characteristics of the pathogenesis and repair were discussed.
2. There was little change of IAA on both sides of the coleoptile which was treated with phototropic stimulation.
3. In the saline-treated group,the plasma concentration of rocuronium and depth of block remained constant.
4. In patients treated for 24 weeks GT 2 (vs GT 3),absence of cirrhosis and younger age were associated with at least 10% higher rates of SVR.
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