2022-03-31 10:00:51 8
英 [spr]美 [spr]
名词 春季; 泉水,小溪; 弹簧,弹性; 跳跃
不及物动词 跳,跃; 突然发出或出现; 发源; 劈开,裂开
及物动词 突然跳出; 跳过; 使开裂
形容词 春天的; 弹簧的,有弹性的.
1. He sprang to his feet and rushed out of the room.
2. The door sprang to.
1. Li is taking a long view,saying his business is still at the end of winter and marching to spring.
2. Ng said the period before the Spring Festival is the busy season for funeral services.
3. As traditional Chinese Spring Festival is coming,lantern factories here have come to a busy production season.
4. Oil supply tensions loom large in the countryside at the crucial spring ploughing time and the upcoming busy summer farming season.
5. We are particularly busy for each year's Spring Festival peak travel season,especially this year.
6. In this year's Spring Festival travel rush,passengers could buy train tickets online or by telephone for the first time.
7. Of these,buyers from China grew over 200 percent between fall of last year and this spring.
8. The hot spring town is striving to create an international buzz with medical tourism projects that promote the hot spring culture of Ruzhou.
9. In the northern part of the world,most tulips by now have already been planted in the ground for spring flowering.
1. 春天;春季
Spring is the season between winter and summer when the weather becomes warmer and plants start to grow again.
e.g. The Labor government of Western Australia has an election due next spring...
e.g. We met again in the spring of 1977.
我们于 1977 年春季再次见面。
2. 弹簧;发条
A spring is a spiral of wire which returns to its original shape after it is pressed or pulled.
e.g. Unfortunately,as a standard mattress wears,the springs soften and so do not support your spine...
3. 起源于;发源于;来自
If one thing springs from another thing,it is the result of it.
e.g. His anger sprang from his suffering at the loss of the most important love he had ever known in his life.
4. (船舶、容器等)出现(裂缝)
If a boat or container springs a leak,water or some other liquid starts coming in or out through a crack.
e.g. The yacht has sprung a leak in the hull.
5. 冷不防地说;突然告诉(或宣布)
If you spring some news or a surprise on someone,you tell them something that they did not expect to hear,without warning them.
e.g. The two superpower leaders sprang a surprise at a ceremony in the White House yesterday by signing a trade deal...
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