2022-03-31 10:00:22 20
英 [sml'tensl]美 [samltensl]
副词 同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐
1. The man has set a Guinness world record by cutting a woman's hair using 10 scissors simultaneously.
2. The development of the railway industry demonstrates that in general,public and private capital has entered or exited simultaneously.
3. To reduce costs,medical experts took the unprecedented step of carrying out the operations simultaneously.
4. He said the allocation of relief materials in Guangdong and neighboring provinces can be monitored simultaneously via the center's online information system.
5. Unexpected rain hit the upper reaches of the river in Central China and forced various reservoirs to discharge simultaneously.
6. Yang's promotion marks a departure from the previous CNOOC promotions in which a new chief executive would simultaneously be appointed chairman of the board.
7. China and Vietnam simultaneously held unveiling ceremonies for a new boundary stone between the two countries on Saturday afternoon.
8. Kish Kash is simultaneously the most extreme and most cohesive example of the mentality.
9. Zhao has recently been listed as a cultural heritage carrier of Er Ren Zhuan,a comic performance simultaneously given by two people from the Northeast.
1. Intercutting may also be used to create a montage sequence--a series of brief shots that show different details of an action that occur simultaneously or that show fragment s of variety of events related to one another by the story.
2. This coating glass float is extremely striking,simultaneously,is mad the red liquor green disclosing solution position.
3. Patrick Wolff,twice US chess champion,will again be in the mall playing blindfolded against all comers. He tells me that he has never tried to play more than four games simultaneously while handicapped this way but might try to bump that limit to five or six this year. If you're a chess fan,take Patrick on -- but be sure to check his blindfold before your first move.
Patrick Wolff-美国棋两度冠军,也会再度在会场蒙眼与所有挑战者对奕,他向我透露,他从来没有这样与四位以上的对手下棋,不过他今年会试着挑战同时对付五位甚至是六位对手,如果你也是个棋迷,记得到现场找 Patrick 挑战,但在下棋前记得要确定他的眼睛是否真的蒙住了。
4. I'm taking shots in the head,shots behind me and there's just been a massive explosion and I simultaneously felt what I think must be shrapnel going into my chest and going all the way up my back as well.
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