2022-03-31 10:00:10 13
英 ['ʃu:z]美 ['ʃu:z]原级:shoe基本解释鞋子;鞋状物;蹄铁;外胎;鞋( shoe的名词复数 );煞车;金属箍;为…钉蹄铁( shoe的第三人称单数 );shoes的单语例句
1. It served as a mascot for national brands like RCA and Buster Brown Shoes.
2. Kang said because he was so big he had more daily expenses,including buying oversized clothes and shoes.
3. Christian is famed for the red soles of his shoes but admits his trademark happened by chance.
4. Their heels were so high that my shoes seemed to be sinking into the ground by comparison.
5. That kind of candor is not generally expected of someone in her shoes.
6. Wang tumbled from the fourth story,then landed on the canopy of a stall selling shoes on the street below.
7. Jiansheng is an agent for Pierre Cardin's shoes,leather goods and trolley cases in China.
8. The city also encouraged the local shoes manufacturers to build up their own brands,and 14 enterprises have been certificated as national famous shoes brands.
9. Customs officials found during a routine check that every pair of shoes were marked " Beijing 2008 ".
10. Sun was hoping that training with spiked shoes would get underway if his foot was completely healed by the latest medical checkup.
1. E,electrical work on rainy days must wear insulated shoes.
2. The electrician wear s rubber shoes on the job.
3. Of which: Electrician through insulation shoes Provincial Labor Office of Technology,was named AA Hubei labor protective equipment products.
4. I saw them,and one girl `s brown shoes jarred with the rest of the outfit.
5. Do not machine wash or dry your running shoes.
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