2022-03-31 10:00:02 49
英 [ɑ:p]美 [ɑ:rp]
形容词 锋利的; 尖锐的; 敏锐的; 狡猾的,聪明的
副词 猛烈地; 尖锐地; 尖利地; 偏高地
名词 升半音; 尖头; 骗子; 内行,专家
及物动词 [音乐]把(音调)升高(半音)
不及物动词 [音乐]升音演奏(或演唱)
1. 锋利的;锐利的
A sharp point or edge is very thin and can cut through things very easily. A sharp knife,tool,or other object has a point or edge of this kind.
e.g. The other end of the twig is sharpened into a sharp point to use as a toothpick...
e.g. Using a sharp knife,cut away the pith and peel from both fruits...
2. 尖的;有尖角的
You can describe a shape or an object as sharp if part of it or one end of it comes to a point or forms an angle.
e.g. His nose was thin and sharp.
e.g. ...black sharp-toed cowboy boots.
3. 突然转向的.;急转弯的
A sharp bend or turn is one that changes direction suddenly.
e.g. I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left.
4. (人)敏锐的,灵敏的,敏捷的,机灵的
If you describe someone as sharp,you are praising them because they are quick to notice,hear,understand,or react to things.
e.g. He is very sharp,a quick thinker and swift with repartee...
e.g. Gates is known to be a superb analyst with a sharp eye and an excellent memory.
1. You can hit the brakes,pull up hard to almost stall out,then as your plane starts to rotate over,accelerate to pull off a very sharp loop-the-loop.
术语解释 loop-the-loop:就是指推/拉飞行杆做垂直跟斗,包括向上翻跟斗和向下翻跟斗有时都会直接被叫做loop-the-loop
2. They can be sharp and painful,and can lead to infection.
3. It's just 11 sharp,they have alreday had lunch.
4. Confronting the sharp competition,they have nothing at all to win it.
5. However,the reasons given by Sharp,they need to select the most favorable price side.
6. Sharp,shock,they won't do it again.
7. One thing I need to improve upon,is the sharp points along the scalloped edges of the shawl.
8. In either mode,Stone-Jong will keep your mind sharp and improve your overall well being!
9. There will be times when life gets sharp and knobbly.
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