2022-03-31 09:59:30 12
英 [sem]美 [sem]
形容词 同一的;相同的,同样的
代词 同一事物;同样的人;(和…)同样的事物;(数目、颜色、大小、质量等)相同
副词 同样,类似
1、I went to see him in the hospital on Friday;that same day he was operated on.
2、Her hair's the same colour as her mother's.
3、It is the same old game.
4、Her name and mine are the same.
1、But building tracks that can carry the same trains across multiple countries is only part of the problem.
2、He told China Business Weekly that the oil suppliers will remain the same,but the firm will require them to avoid GM oil.
3、Zhou said the woman spoke fluent Japanese language and was almost the same age as her husband who said he was in business.
4、From that I learned that business management is the same as the work of a carpenter.
5、At the same time,it adds uncertainty and risks to company's business operation.
6、Or imagine a bank or other business organization having dozens of customers with the same name.
7、With the Cavaliers,he'll apply the same principles that have made him a business success.
8、Business registration fees recorded a 90 percent drop to HK $ 155 million in the same period.
If two or more things,actions,or qualities are the same,or if one is the same as another,they are very like each other in some way.
e.g. The houses were all the same — square,close to the street,needing paint...
e.g. In essence,all computers are the same...
If something is happening the same as something else,the two things are happening in a way that is similar or exactly the same.
e.g. I mean,it's a relationship,the same as a marriage is a relationship...
e.g. I want to go home having won a game of football the same as you leave the ground and you want to go away with your team having won...
You use same to indicate that you are referring to only one place,time,or thing,and not to different ones.
e.g. Bernard works at the same institution as Arlette...
e.g. It's impossible to get everybody together at the same time...
Something that is still the same has not changed in any way.
e.g. Taking ingredients from the same source means the beers stay the same...
e.g. Only 17% said the economy would improve,but 25% believed it would stay the same.
仅 17% 的人说经济状况会改善,却有25% 的人认为经济会维持老样子。
You use the same to refer to something that has previously been mentioned or suggested.
e.g. We made the decision which was right for us. Other parents must do the same...
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