2022-03-31 09:59:09 34
名词 回顾; 复习;——(报刊的)评论; [法]复审
及物动词 评论; 复习;复查; 检验
不及物动词 复习功课; 写评论
1、A draft of the law on business income taxes has been submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for review.
2、He made the remarks while touring Shanghai and Beijing last week to review business operations in China and meet government officials to seek further partnerships.
3、Davies suggested Hong Kong banks should regain trust from the community and it is time for all lenders to review their business models.
4、The NDP asked the deal be put on a " public review " for the good of Canada.
5、The recommendations by the Review Committee on the Regulation of Pharmaceutical Products in Hong Kong,comes after nine months of study.
6、But he said the last two stages of the program were still under review by scientists before official approval.
7、But he said the last two stages of the project were still under review by scientists before official approval.
8、He added that a comprehensive review of the procedures has been conducted but he did not reveal whether the concerned officer will face disciplinary action.
9、A decision was made at the time to review and pass the draft civil code volume by volume.
10、Tong went to the High Court to fight the regulation by way of a judicial review.
A review of a situation or system is its formal examination by people in authority. This is usually done in order to see whether it can be improved or corrected.
e.g. The president ordered a review of US economic aid to Jordan...
e.g. The White House quickly announced that the policy is under review.
If you review a situation or system,you consider it carefully to see what is wrong with it or how it could be improved.
e.g. The Prime Minister reviewed the situation with his Cabinet yesterday.
e.g. The next day we reviewed the previous day's work.
A review is a report in the media in which someone gives their opinion of something such as a new book or film.
e.g. Disney's 'Beauty And The Beast' has won rave reviews.
e.g. We've never had a good review in the music press.
If someone reviews something such as a new book or film,they write a report or give a talk on television or radio in which they express their opinion of it.
e.g. Richard Coles reviews all of the latest video releases.
e.g. His book about Afghanistan is reviewed here by Anthony Hyman.
When a military or political leader reviews troops,they examine them,or watch them marching.
e.g. When he reviewed the troops they cheered him as he smiled and raised his hat.
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