2022-03-31 09:59:05 139
vt. 重试;重审n. [计]重操作同义词v. rehear参考例句:1. Retry after closing files and windows.关闭文件和窗口后,再试一次。2. Please hit the "Refresh" button in your web browser to retry your request.请点击你浏览器中的[重新整理]按钮重新尝试您的要求。3. It can also provide enhanced capabilities such as multi-recipient broadcast,automatic retry and archiving.它还能提供诸如多接收方广播、自动重试和归档等增强的功能。retry的网络解释
1. 再试:mables)再试(Retry) 自动CPU复位(Auto CPU Reset)4-1计数器(Counter)设置过程4-2计数器(Counter)模式中的设定纸计数器(Counter) 在纸尺寸/纸类型的'基础上计数器计已复印张数卡纸(Jam) 计算在复印机或整个系统(MCBJ)和每个部分发生的卡纸数注:MCBJ=总计数器计数值÷卡纸计数器计数值再试(Retry) 为了减少因搓纸轮打滑引起误供
2. 重新与上次连接过的服务器或者代理连接:exit-等同于quit | retry-重新与上次连接过的服务器或者代理连接 | name-设定代理的名称
3. 重新连接服务器:quit 退出 | exit 和QUIT一样 | retry 重新连接服务器
1. If it isn't retry till you get it where you want and CA it in place.
如果不是重试,直至你得到它想要和CA ,它在的地方。
2. If the error is recoverable,you can retry the command.
3. Please retry the command with a user having admin credentials.
4. Action 解决方法 If you are an administrator,retry the command with an user having enough privileges to perform this operation.
5. Retry this command until the mouse connects.
6. Issue Sector read with retry command...
7. Before you retry the command,ensure that the following dcs entries exist in /etc/inetd. conf on the domain,and that they have not been disabled
重试该命令之前,应确保域内的/etc/inetd.conf 文件中包含以下 dcs 条目,且尚未禁用
8. Bull; Include exception handling and retry logic to ensure that file operations succeed.
9. We use dual-modular redundancy with comparison,triple-modular redundancy,retry,alternating logic,ACL and CL-ACL to redesign the benchmark circuits of ISCAS85. Their area overhead and fault response rate are analyzed. The experimental results show that TMR,ACL and CL-ACL are adapted to different circuits with different structures.
10. Article 207 With respect to a case retried by a People`s Court in accordance with the procedure for trial supervision,it shall conclude the trial within three months from the day on which it makes the decision to bring the case up for trial itself or on which the decision is made for it to retry the case.
11. A case retried by a people's court pursuant to the procedure for trial supervision shall be settled within three months from the day on which the decision to retry the case or to bring the case up for trial itself is made,and if the time limit needs to be extended,the maximum time limit may not exceed six months.
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