2022-03-31 09:58:38 27
英 [rgɑ:dls]美 [rgɑ:rdls]
regardless 基本解释
副词 不顾后果地; 不管怎样,无论如何; 不惜费用地
形容词 不重视的,不尊敬的; 不顾虑的,不关心的; 不受注意的,毫无价值的
1. I'll take the job regardless of the pay.
2. He says what he thinks,regardless of other people's feelings.
1. But a student surnamed Jiang from the University of International Business and Economics said people would continue to smoke regardless of the law.
2. Managers tend to calculate the overall value each worker brings,regardless of how much or how little vacation they take.
3. The death sentence has drawn criticism from European and human rights officials who oppose capital punishment - regardless of the crime.
4. But the party in Gothenburg carried on regardless,the crowds kept on coming and they kept on cheering.
5. Twice he has lost internal Likud Party votes on his plan by wide margins,but he insists he will carry it out regardless.
6. Everyone has the ability to affect positive change regardless of the obstacles that life has thrown along the way.
7. Regardless of its location,the factory will be the largest oil processing and chemical project in China.
8. Spending Chinese New Year in a different setting can help enhance the holiday spirit,regardless of your nationality.
9. The most controversial song is Jay Chow's " Snail " whose lyrics encourage young people to pursue their own success regardless of the difficulties they may encounter.
1. 不顾;不管;不论
If something happens regardless of something else,it is not affected or influenced at all by that other thing.
e.g. It takes in anybody regardless of religion,colour,or creed...
e.g. Regardless of whether he is right or wrong,we have to abide by his decisions.
2. 不管怎样;无论如何;不顾一切地
If you say that someone did something regardless,you mean that they did it even though there were problems or factors that could have stopped them,or perhaps should have stopped them.
e.g. Despite her recent surgery she has been carrying on regardless.
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