2022-03-31 09:57:29 19
英 [prmptli]美 [prɑ:mptli]
promptly 基本解释
副词 迅速地; 敏捷地; 立即地; 毫不迟疑
promptly 相关例句
1. He promptly forgot all about it.
2. After he had put it on the floor,he promptly went to sleep again.
1. 立即;马上;及时
If you do something promptly,you do it immediately.
e.g. Sister Francesca entered the chapel,took her seat,and promptly fell asleep.
2. 准时地
If you do something promptly at a particular time,you do it at exactly that time.
e.g. Promptly at a quarter past seven,we left the hotel.
1. She finally managed to drive the bears back into the cage wielding a bamboo rod and then promptly locked the cage.
2. As and when our trend following system flashes new signals,we will promptly deploy the capital in appropriate assets.
3. Joyce promptly ejected Posada as Carlson shouted curses at the star catcher.
4. The government has formed a national central committee for prevention of natural disaster to promptly and effectively carry out relief and resettlement tasks.
5. Chinese insurers acted promptly after the devastating quake by sending emergency teams to serve policyholders,the CIRC said.
6. The office also asked Google China to clear out its allegedly pornographic and lewd content promptly.
7. Fan said both sides will promptly implement an agreement on currency clearing signed last month.
8. My wife was perturbed when I promptly used it to buy a cup of coffee.
9. Collection of taxes must be promptly resumed when any preferential tax policy expires.
10. Local departments were also ordered to adjust prices promptly and to impose temporary price controls on important daily necessities and production materials where necessary.
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