英语短语high priority是什么意思
2022-03-31 09:57:19 31
英语短语也英语的重要组成部分,我们应该学好英语短语,那么也有短语high priority又是什么意思呢?下面是由小编整理的`high priority的意思,希望你感兴趣!
high priority的意思
高优先级high priority 网络解释
1. 优先考虑;优先处理:Helping Business Programme 方便营商计划 | high priority 优先考虑;优先处理 | high priority programme 优先计划
2. 全面缉捕通告:electronic bolt 电子锁 | high-priority 全面缉捕通告 | nerve agent 神经毒气
3. 重要优先项目:重要变更 material alteration | 重要优先项目 high priority | 重油轮 dirty ship
4. high priority:hipri; 高优先级
high priority 单语例句
1. But he said hunting down bin Laden remains a high priority for the Central Intelligence Agency.
2. CGIAR Director Wang Ren said technologies and approaches for adapting agriculture to climate change,as well as tools for monitoring systems now get high priority in cooperation.
3. It was agreed that areas of cooperation within air and water pollution and chemical management should continue having a high priority.
4. Wang says her priority has always been to create high quality fashion with functionality,keeping her designs chic and simple.
5. Sequencing the chimp genome was ranked a high priority by the US government's National Human Genome Research Institute.
6. While the city has made cleaning up its rivers and creeks a high priority,water pollution remains one of its biggest environmental problems.
7. President Barack Obama has made it a high priority and one likely to get time during his upcoming State of the Union address.
8. As a latecomer who seeks survival and development in such a fully competitive market,we place high priority on IP strategy.
9. The campaign encourages schools to give high priority to environmental education and management to instill ideas about conservation and environmentally friendly living in young students.
10. When men have the power and control,gender issues are not high on their priority lists.
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