2022-03-31 09:57:11 98
英 [preɪz]美 [preɪz]第三人称单数:praises现在分词:praising过去分词:praised过去式:praisedpraise 基本解释名词 赞扬,称赞; 崇拜; 赞词动词 歌颂; 赞扬,赞美; 崇拜例句1. I'm sure I don't deserve so much praise.我肯定自己不值得这么多赞扬。2. His heroism is beyond praise.他的英勇是赞美不尽的。3. Let us give praise to God.让我们赞美神吧。praise的单语例句
1. The British press spoke in praise of the spectacular Beijing Olympics opening ceremony unanimously,calling it the best ever and a stunning display of China's rising confidence.
2. China should treat such international praise calmly and objectively and should continue to be modest and pragmatic in its attitude and actions.
3. Astronauts also gave high praise to the domestically developed spacecraft and rocket carrier,and look forward to sharing experiences with astronauts from other countries in the future.
4. Marine General James Cartwright had long been rumored to be Obama's favorite,and the president singled him out for praise at the announcement.
5. Many housewives prefer to carve pictures on the figurines to display their ingenuity and to win praise from relatives and friends.
6. The case study also found that parents are often too reluctant to praise their children.
7. Di Stefano's criticism of Real's playing style and his florid praise for its archrival carries extra weight given his celebrated status within the club.
8. Officials poured praise on the boy and promoted him as a local celebrity as newspapers and television stations raced to cover his every step.
9. A senior official from China's Mass Sports Administrative Center was full of praise for the enthusiastic walkers.
1. 称赞;赞扬;表扬
If you praise someone or something,you express approval for their achievements or qualities.
e.g. The American president praised Turkey for its courage...
e.g. Many others praised Sanford for taking a strong stand...
2. 称赞;赞美;赞扬
Praise is what you say or write about someone when you are praising them.
e.g. All the ladies are full of praise for the staff and service they received...
e.g. I have nothing but praise for the police...
3. 称颂,赞美,感谢(上帝)
If you praise God,you express your respect,honour,and thanks to God.
e.g. She asked the church to praise God.
4. (对上帝的)赞美,敬拜,感谢
Praise is the expression of respect,and thanks to God.
e.g. Hindus were singing hymns in praise of the god Rama.
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