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2022-03-31 09:56:42 12




1. 观点;看法;论点You use point to refer to something that someone has said or written.e.g. We disagree with every point Mr Blunkett makes...布伦基特先生提出的观点我们一个都不同意。e.g. Dave Hill's article makes the right point about the Taylor Report...戴夫·希尔的文章对《泰勒报告》的看法是正确的。2. 论据;道理If you say that someone has a point,or if you take their point,you mean that you accept that what they have said is important and should be considered.e.g. 'If he'd already killed once,surely he'd have killed Sarah?' She had a point there...“如果他杀过一次人,那他一定已经杀了萨拉吧?”她说得有道理。e.g. Oh I take your point,John,about that.噢,约翰,关于那一点,我觉得你说得对。3. 要点;核心问题The point of what you are saying or discussing is the most important part that provides a reason or explanation for the rest.e.g. 'Did I ask you to talk to me?' — 'That's not the point.'...“我请你跟我谈了吗?”——“问题不在这儿。”e.g. The American Congress and media mostly missed the point about all this.美国国会和媒体大都没搞清这一切的`核心问题。



A:Good morning,sir. May I help you?


B:Yes. I have a room booked with you,for three days starting today. Name of Lu,L-U.


A:Thank you,Mr. Lu. Please wait a moment while I check our reservations list.That's Mr. Steven Lu,from Taipei?

谢谢,陆先生。请稍等,我查一下订房名单。您是Steven Lu,从台北来的?

B:Yes,it is.


A:Mr. Lu,everything is OK. Your booking is from today through Wendnsday. Single room. Your room number is 512. Here's your key.


B:Thanks. Could you point me in the right direction?


A:Certainly,sir. The elevators are right across the lobby.Floors one to eight are the elevators to the left.

当然可以,先生。电梯就在大厅的正对面。 一到八楼上下使用的电梯在左边。

B:Hi. I'd like to cash an American Express traveler's check.


A:Sure. Would you please sign your name on the back,sir,with your passport number? And I'll need to see your passport.


B:Sure. Can you give me fifty dollars in small bills,please,and ten dollars in change?


A:No problems. Here's your passport,and here's your money. Have a nice day,Mr. Lu.



1. The bust comes after authorities received a tipoff that an international drug syndicate would be using Singapore as a transit point.

2. Robotic submarines working deep in the ocean removed a busted piece of pipe last weekend,at which point oil flowed unimpeded into the water.

3. I listed a few I had seen but then made the point that the most valuable technology here at Expo is " people to people " technology.

4. The scale of group buying in China has reached a point where cracks have started to surface.

5. Some educators and students point out that buying a condom in such a public setting could be unsettling for most young people.

6. The repair work so far is by and large to the point.

7. Bears point to forecasts by economists that show Japan will contract twice as much as the US this year.

8. The report says the danger point will be signalled when temperatures rise by 2 degrees centigrade above the average world temperature prevailing in 1750.

9. " The point is to act properly in accordance with the rules," Abou pointed out.

10. This kind of county competition is by no means the new growth point for China,because it causes waste and enlarges the risks and costs of these industries.

