2022-03-31 09:55:54 25
英 [pɔ:z]美 [pɔz]第三人称单数:pauses第三人称复数:pauses现在分词:pausing过去分词:paused过去式:paused名词 暂时的停顿; 犹豫; (诗中)节奏的停顿; [乐]延长号不及物动词 暂停,中止; 逗留,停滞; (按暂停键)暂停放音; 犹豫例句1. He paused when he heard steps behind him.他听到后面有脚步声便停了下来。2. She paused before consenting to marry him.她在同意嫁给他前曾犹豫不定。3. When he had run up the hill,he paused for a minute to rest.他跑上小山时,停下来休息了一会儿。pause的单语例句
1. For a brief moment I pause and watch the bustle of the artisans on the roadside.
2. Don't get fascinated by celebrity styles but take a pause and see whether the particular style can become your fashion trend or not.
3. For the Level 3 listening comprehension section,simple statements are read slowly and repeated before a pause during which examinees can answer.
4. Conscientious coal companies would tell their miners to pause when methane is detected.
5. It is a series of postures that flow into each other without pause,making sure your body is in constant motion.
6. In every case,there was a pause for contemplation before a nod was given to The Players.
7. A retreat within this pause area sets up the conditions for a rebound and a continuation of the upward trend.
8. " We decided to pause defense exchanges because of these differences of opinion," a source in the Indian government told AFP earlier on condition of anonymity.
9. The best way to enjoy a garden is to pause after every few steps and take in the sight from every possible angle.
1. 停顿;暂停
If you pause while you are doing something,you stop for a short period and then continue.
e.g. 'It's rather embarrassing,' he began,and paused...
e.g. He had to pause to clear his throat...
2. 停顿;暂停
A pause is a short period when you stop doing something before continuing.
e.g. After a pause Alex said sharply: 'I'm sorry if I've upset you'...
e.g. There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.
3. 使认真考虑;使犹豫
If something gives you pause for thought,it makes you think carefully about something,especially in a different way than you have thought about it before.
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