2022-03-31 09:50:01 35
名词 安装程序; 安装者; 安装工
英 [ns't:lr]美 [ns't:lr]
1. 安装程式:原本预计上星期内就会释出的《世纪帝国》试玩版 v1.1 先是在上周六被发现安装程式(Installer)出现了严重的程式臭虫之外,接著又发现一些问题,因此开发商 Ensemble Studios 的工作人员紧急在官方讨论区中发布公告通知玩家。
2. 安装工:installation superintendent 安装总监 | installer 安装工 | instantaneous 瞬时的,瞬息的`
3. 安装程序 设定程式:offline 脱机、离线 | installer 安装程序 设定程式 | scheduler 调度程序 排程器
1.Plug into; install into
2.Easy to install.
3.Install driver
4.Fit into place; install into place
5.To prohibit military forces or installations in.
6.Install necessary conduit.
1. After chugging away for most of the day and busting my monthly data volume allocation,the installer finished,I rebooted,and had a working FreeBSD installation.
2. Setup Wizard based on Microsoft Windows Installer standard,easy to use Administration Application,and comprehensive Help allow system administrators to install,configure and run Narawen Inox POP3 Connector in efficient way.
安装向导基於微软的Windows Installer标准的,易於使用的管理应用,以及全面的帮助,让系统管理员安装,配置和运行narawen inox POP3的连接器,在高效地展开。
3. When I first saw the wubi installer,I had to try it.
4. Note that these AVG setup installer`s parameter is case-sensitive.
5. Can I still receive a grant if a non-certified installer performs the installation?
6. If a non-certified installer carries out the installation,then the grant will not be awarded in respect of this part of the cost.
7. Along the way the installer will test your server environment and give you suggestions about how to fix any problems. For most common issues these suggestions should be sufficient,but if you get stuck,check in the Installation Forum for more help.
在安裝時安裝成是會測試你的伺服器環境並且給你建議如何修正任何的問題,很多建議應該都是有用的,但是假如你被困住了,可以檢查Installation Forum 取得較多的幫忙。
8. Enter to boot the installer with default options or enter a specific boot method and,optionally,boot parameters.
9. A production quality installer should copy the DLL to a well-chosen location,and do version checking.
一个产品性的安装,则应该将 DLL 复制到一个合适的地方,并且加上版本检测。
10. In installer enters the collection of effects and demonstration project.
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