2022-03-31 09:44:44 11
英 [endi]美 [enrdi]
名词 精力; 活力; [物]能量; 精神
1. They are working with energy.
2. They devoted all their energies to the job.
3. Young people usually have more energy than the old.
1. 力气;力量
Energy is the ability and strength to do active physical things and the feeling that you are full of physical power and life.
e.g. He was saving his energy for next week's race in Belgium...
e.g. We try to boost our energy by eating.
2. 毅力;活力
Energy is determination and enthusiasm about doing things.
e.g. At 54 years old her energy and looks are magnificent...
e.g. You have drive and energy for those things you are interested in.
3. 努力;精力
Your energies are your efforts and attention,which you can direct towards a particular aim.
e.g. She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing...
e.g. We must concentrate our energies on treating addiction first.
4. 能量;能源
Energy is the power from sources such as electricity and coal that makes machines work or provides heat.
e.g. ...those who favour nuclear energy...
e.g. Oil shortages have brought on an energy crisis...
1. The plan also provides business opportunities for energy efficiency solution providers,including Air Products.
2. Incorporating operational energy efficiency into a company's overall business strategy will facilitate progression toward a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of business operations.
3. Many Chinese enterprises have realized that energy efficiency and environmental protection are not burden but profitable business.
4. Kong and fellow alternative energy producers have been enjoying booming business since the end of June.
5. China's wind energy resources represent a significant new energy business opportunity and are considered to be among the world's best.
6. As challenging as this demand is,the Energy Minister remains confident that it represents an unmissable business opportunity.
7. An energy service company is a business that provides energy management services to an energy user.
8. He tells China Business Weekly that the university has been working with three energy companies for the past two years.
9. China has moved aggressively to buy up energy assets overseas to help fuel its booming economy and improve its energy security.
1.The Capacity Of A Physical System To Do Work.能量,能物理系统做功的容量能力。
2.Energy,Work,Or Power Used To Drive A Machine.能量,功用于驱动机器的能量,功或能。
3.Maxwell Energy Stress Tensor麦克斯韦能量应力张量。
4.Laws Of Conservation Of Energy And Momentum能量和动量守恒定律。
5.Momentum And Energy Have Been United.动量和能量统一了起来。
6.The Positive Energy Develops Into Fundamental Particle,And The Negative Energy Develops Into Negative Energy Field.正能量形成基本粒子,负能量形成负的能量场。
7.The Corona Gains And Loses Energy Continuously.日冕总是不断地获得能量和损失能量。
8.Nuclear Energy Regarded As A Source Of Power.把核能做为能量的来源。
9.The Energy Of Motion Is Called Kinetic Energy.运动的能量称为动能。
10.Energy Can Exist In A Variety Of Modes.能量能以各种形式存在。
11.Preternatural Power,Force,Ability,Etc超乎一般的能量、力量、能力等
12.Her Ability To Master Masculine Energy Remains Intact.她征服男性能量的能量仍然完整无缺。
13.Can I Use Instrument To Measure Out The Energy In The Energy Chamber?能量屋的能量是否可用仪器测出来?
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