2022-03-31 09:44:42 15
英 [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)]美 [ɪnˈdʊr]第三人称单数:endures现在分词:enduring过去分词:endured过去式:endured及物动词 忍耐; 容忍不及物动词 忍耐; 持续,持久相关例句及物动词1. I can't endure his unreasonable action.我不能容忍他的无理行为。2. I can't endure loud music.我不能忍受音量大的音乐声。3. I could endure it no longer.我对此再也无法忍受了。4. The old man had to endure a toothache.这位老人不得不忍受牙痛。英文单词endure的单语例句
1. Both peoples should never forget what happened during that dark period of history,not to ferment hostility but to cement a friendship that will endure.
2. Having just three people walk pass your checkpoint in one day is not easy for any volunteer to endure.
3. But adults who endure long periods of stress and respond by chewing on their nails can find the habit hard to break.
4. But the invaders always failed to realize that without conquering the Chinese Family,the Civilization will endure and the invaders will eventually be thrown out.
5. Another unpleasant mode of expression is the clatter I endure outside my flat.
6. Some even start to hate their families because of the hardship they must endure,or at least complain about the misfortune of being born into a deprived family.
7. You may not have put a hundred percent into a recent project so you may have to endure a bit of criticism.
8. Local people have faced the natural disaster with courage,although they must still endure an average of at least five strong aftershocks every day.
9. But to a woman surnamed Guo,this is merely a reflection of the reality of the cruelty migrant workers endure.
10. While the divorce rate soars and couples no longer have to endure lifeless relationships,the outcome is often damaging - especially for young children.
1. She could not endure the thought of parting.
2. I'm a ambivalent syntheses,i preferably to endure the burden of love,i need the love of dynamic,frankly,loyal,but i still afraid of harm.
3. Saying a honest page is Gg advertisement completely,it is repugn letting a person really,looking many minutes is endure hardships.
4. Make congratulant telephone call when all circles friend,my tear is unable to bear or endure in tears to fall however.
5. I will endure the exile...
6. I am afraid I can not endure tiredness of long trip.
7. The choices we make,and which we act upon,bring about consequences that we have to endure.
8. If I have relied on you,how I can not endure you?
9. I could not endure the insolence of his behaviour.
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