2022-03-31 09:43:51 35
英 [dsks];美 [dsks]
及物动词 商量; 讨论,谈论; 论述,详述
1. They discussed a bottle of wine.
2. What does the novel discuss?
3. They discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.
4. I want to discuss your work with you.
1. 讨论;谈论;商量
If people discuss something,they talk about it,often in order to reach a decision.
e.g. I will be discussing the situation with colleagues tomorrow...
e.g. The cabinet met today to discuss how to respond to the ultimatum.
2. 详细论述;阐述
If you discuss something,you write or talk about it in detail.
e.g. I will discuss the role of diet in cancer prevention in Chapter 7...
e.g. Coming up after the news,Dan Schorr discusses the state of the presidential campaign.
1. Clinton declined to discuss her father's relationship with the White House intern,drawing applause when she told the young man that it was none of his business.
2. They met local government officials and business representatives to discuss ways to promote bilateral trade,foster local economic growth and protect the intellectual property rights of software.
3. The summit provided a platform for hundreds of business people to discuss Internet adoption among enterprises as well as the trend of Web use.
4. There is a buzz on the ground as people in the city discuss,plan and contemplate the next four years and the work to be done.
5. The numerous examples include encouraging students to discuss bullying among themselves,using skits to act out the emotions of being bullied and adopting other means.
6. The officials agreed to discuss the matter only if they were not quoted by name.
7. All the Iraqi officials agreed to discuss the talks only if not quoted by name because they were not authorized to release details.
8. Grimes said Todd Palin also contacted her by telephone in late 2005 to discuss the confidential investigation of Wooten.
9. Overseas Chinese discuss job opportunities with employers at a job fair organized by the Shanghai government in London over the weekend.
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