2022-03-31 09:40:27 12
英 [kmr]
美 [kmr,kmr]
camera 基本解释
名词 照相机; 摄影机
1. Her exit from the courthouse into a waiting Cadillac SUV was captured by more than 60 photographers and camera crews.
2. The main purpose of the initial image was to calibrate the camera.
3. The call for surveillance cameras in Beiyuan No 6 community came after one resident installed a camera privately to monitor his parking space.
4. " We don't feel nervous facing the camera," Kang says.
5. The city management bureau has a massive network of road monitoring as it cooperates with 846 companies and 468 communities sharing their camera views.
6. The model poses before the camera as she averts her eyes from the prying lens and turns her head gracefully into another direction.
7. The photos show two of the girls throwing their cigarettes while two continued puffing after they noticed a camera pointed in their direction.
8. Video recordings shot by the center's security camera showed the theater gate opened several times that night to fleeing citizens chased by the rioters.
9. The only sound to be heard among the travellers was the furious clicking of camera lens as we tried futilely to capture the grandeur.
1. 照相机;摄影机;摄像机
A camera is a piece of equipment that is used for taking photographs,making films,or producing television pictures.
e.g. Her gran lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt.
e.g. a video camera.
2. 在拍摄中;在摄像机前
If someone or something is on camera,they are being filmed.
e.g. Fay was so impressive on camera that a special part was written in for her.
e.g. Just about anything could happen and we'll be there to catch it on camera when it does.
3. 未在拍摄时;在镜头范围之外
If you do something or if something happens off camera,you do it or it happens when not being filmed.
e.g. They were anything but friendly off-camera,refusing even to take the same lift.
4. (审讯)秘密地;不公开地;私下地
If a trial is held in camera,the public and the press are not allowed to attend.
e.g. This morning's appeal was held in camera.
- 上一篇:骆驼香烟价格和图片
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