2022-03-31 09:39:28 130
英 [bɪˈtreɪ]美 [bɪˈtre]第三人称单数:betrays现在分词:betraying过去分词:betrayed过去式:betrayed基本解释及物动词 背叛; 出卖; 泄露; 对…不忠相关例句及物动词1. She was betrayed into a snare.她被诱入陷阱。2. Confusion betrays the guilty.慌张显出有罪,神色慌张必有鬼。3. He would suffer death rather than betray the secret.他宁死也不肯泄露机密。4. That man is capable of betraying his friends.那家伙会出卖朋友。5. Her red face betrayed her nervousness.她涨红的脸显示她很紧张。betray的单语例句
1. Yet doubts and criticism have arisen concerning excessive exposure,due to worries the plethora of performance of the traditional art could betray its secrets.
2. " My father said we couldn't betray our ancestors," Ziwei said.
3. Yet more than 800 government vehicles disobeying official orders on a highly polluted day betray that enforcement of measures is lax.
4. I never want to betray that friendship because I love being a woman and I love being a friend to other women.
5. Most of them mistake their presence at the sessions as representing the public,and thus betray their ignorance about democracy.
6. She was tortured and was left with permanent scarring on her body - but she refused to betray her team.
7. She was tortured and says she still has scars on her body - but she refused to betray her team.
8. If we are not able to manufacture products with the same quality standards as Japan,we would betray Chinese consumers'trust.
9. Google claims that Lee has not disclosed any Microsoft secrets,and that it has repeatedly told Lee not to betray Microsoft's confidence.
1. Those we are closest to can betray us. And tota l strangers can come to our rescue.
2. We will never be soft-hearted to people that betray their own country.
3. I tried not to betray my ignorance.
4. I can see that his form is not heavily muscular,though the lines of his body betray that he is agile and as graceful as a cat.
5. Edge type dislocations serving as diffusion pipes only betray at the side planes Most diffusion pipes are fragmentary
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