2022-03-30 21:45:12 44
Just tie your yellow ribbon around the old oak tree.
What comes to mind when you think of yellow?
Yellow makes me feel warm,it's a sunny color.
Sure,I think different things like a big tall glass of cool yellow lemonade,a large branch of yellow bananas,or an old book with yellow pages,but I also think of a few of yellow sunflowers,the yellow sun rising in the morning,a near yellow trap of goldfish swimming around,a group of trooping yellow chicks?
I'm not sure why someone who was easily frightened is describe as yellow,or why that person is sometimes called yellow bellied.
Yellow is a closest color to gold,which is a very nice color,but I'm not rich,so I'm under the shadow of yellow.
Talk about it:
When you hear the word yellow,what comes to your mind?
How does the color yellow make you feel?
What are some things that are yellow?
Do you know any idioms that use the word yellow?
What are some colors that are similar to yellow?
What does the color yellow symbolize?
Can you name some fictional characters that are associated with the color yellow?
Do you think that the color yellow means different things or different cultures?
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