2022-03-30 21:35:37 28
Rob Morrison
216 South Jefferson Street,
Suite 502
Chicago,Illinois 60661
Career Goal
Seeking a position of telecommunication consultant where my skills and knowledge can be utilized.
Academic Background
Achieved certificate in telecommunications consultation from the New Jersey University,New Jersey in the year of 2000.
Achieved Bachelors Degree in engineering from St. Paul College,New England in the year of 1998.
Obtained Professional Training
Obtained a special training on the various using of internet.
Participated in a special seminar on the relation between American Commerce and Global relations.
Practiced Computer Programming Skills
Practiced Operating Systems: Windows9X,Windows2000,Windows ME,Windows XP,Windows Vista,Linux,Unix,MS DOS
Practiced Office Package: Microsoft Word,Microsoft Excel,Microsoft Access,Microsoft PowerPoint,Microsoft Outlook Express
Practiced Programming Language: Pascal,Turbo Pascal,C,C++,Java,Java Swing,Python
Professional Excellence Summary
Have in depth knowledge in the respective subject.
Self-motivated,devoted and decisive management personnel.
Have excellent analytical as well as mechanical features.
Have ability in taking up new theories as well as responsibilities.
Professional Background
2004- Present date: Work as the consultant for the Californian Cable Counsel,South California with some of the following responsibilities
Work as the team member of the six men team consigned to suggest a planned alliance for California Cable Corporation.
Provide online researches at California Cable Corporation city office.
Provide proper presentation for taking final recommendations in video discussions.
Work out necessary steps for producing multimedia products in expectation of the assimilation of computer technology along with telecommunications.
2000- 2004: Worked as the market researcher for The Philadelphia State Journal of Telecommunications,Philadelphia with some of the following responsibilities
Provided necessary researches on the consequences of worldwide television deregulation on cable,broadcast,satellite television,advertising industry as well as international broadcasting.
Examined direct mail marketing as a worldwide advertising tool.
Researched political promotions,information allotment and image drawing.
- 上一篇:顾炎武的名言
- 下一篇:顿时的同义词是什么呢
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