2022-03-30 20:42:51 13
1. The politician says that he will __ the welfare of the people.
A prey on
B take on
C get at
D see to
2. We had difficulties at first but everything worked __ smoothly in the end.
A off
B out
C away
D up
3. There is no easy solution to Japans labor__.
A decline
B vacancy
C rarity
D shortage
4. This ticket__ you to a free meal in our new restaurant.
A gives
B grants
C entitles
D credits
5. We need some sunshine; so we have__ up our minds to go abroad this year.
A set
B made
C brought
D given
1. 选D①see to注意,照料Who is seeing to the arrangement for the next meeting? ②prey on猎取食物,折磨An eagle preys on smaller birds. ③take on 承担(任务)She took on the task with great courage. ④get at够得着Could you get at the top shelf?
2. 选B ①work out有好的结果I hope the new job works out for you.②work off借工作活动清除掉He often works off his anger.③work away继续In spite of all the difficulties,she worked away at her research work.④work up逐步形成,渐渐发展He worked up the firm from nothing.
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