2022-03-30 17:59:36 12
Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to Shanghai.
Please sit back and relax. Your luggage ing,but you may just call me Gao,the China International Travel Service,Shanghai Branch. On behalf of CITS Shanghai and my colleagues,I’d like to extend a e to you all.
During your stay in our city,Ms. Lin and I San Francisco to Shanghai has taken you from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere. The time difference bet the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere:从西半球到东半球
5. the time difference:时差
6. China spans five time zones: 中国有5个时区
Ladies and gentlemen:
Welcome to ------!May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you ? This is Mr ---- from (China International Travel Service). He CITS.My job is to smooth your e all of you to...
I'm honored to have this opportunity to e all of you to ...
It is a great pleasure for me to e you all to...
It gives me great pleasure to e all of you to...
It is my pleasant duty to extend to you a cordial e on behalf of...我们非常荣幸地欢迎大家出席?
It is a real honor and privilege for us to e you to ...
It is e to you all,especially to the distinguished guests from...作为本届研讨会的主席,我十分高兴和荣幸地欢迎各位出席今天的大会。
As the chairperson of this symposium,I have the pleasure and honor of ing all of you to this international meeting.
May I e all o you to...
On behalf of...,I bid a e to you all gathered here to participatr...首先,我对各位朋友的到来表示欢迎
May I begin by ing you to...
Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to Nanning.
Please sit back and relax. Your luggage Nanning Oversea International Travel Service. On behalf of the company and my colleagues,Ms. Lin and I e for you to leave for Guangzhou,the final leg of your visit to China. It’s a pity that you cannot stay in Nanning any longer. Alloething by ething to tell you. Also,you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on ho afar brings a distant land closer.” I hope you’ll take back happy memories of your trip to China,including your three-and-a-half-day visit to Guangzhou.
We are living in a e back in the future,the city may have changed beyond recognition. Mean afar brings a distant land closer.” I hope you’ll take back happy memories of your trip to China and you are e to come back sometime in the future.
As you have probably observed,China is developing very quickly. When and if you come back in the future,our country may have changed beyond recognition. Meanwhile,I will continue my humble job as a tour guide. I wish to see you again in the future and to be your guide.
Once again,thank you for your cooperation and support.
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