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1、A panic in the face,your love be strong without fear.
2、Do you have great faith: give it my all,in order to live more happy more beautiful.
3、With your cold heart,warm every heart afraid of heart.
4、I praise the nurse can use weak shoulders strong enough to carry a daughter,mother,wife's burden.
5、How many days you heal the wounded and rescue the dying,fighting in the first line.
6、Have clean and pure mind,noble sentiment; in each patient with a occupation smile; do not expect anything in return just offer in their heart.
7、Work is common but great,trivial and difficult,difficult and difficult.
8、Many a night,you and the death and disease resistance,when treatment is the doctor 's arm,patrol is the relatives of the patient,monitoring health Messenger,rescue is the life guard.
9、You are the patron saint of life,your wisdom and sincerity to hold up the sun life,your selfless sacrifice life,heal the wounded bear bitter hardships,pain.
10、You are brave,anti crisis,attack difficulty,carry all before one,your loyalty,according to medical ethics,keep the purpose,have succeeded in carrying out an assignment.
11、Snow clothes,with snow and tender heart,more holy than the clouds,more hot than fire,in the cold wind to fly,burning in the dark.
12、A sad eyes,you become a peaceful tranquil.
13、Your angel,your love with the wrist,touch every injured child.
14、However,spring summer autumn and winter,they are always in a white coat.
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