My favourite animal英语作文
2022-03-30 12:27:59 19
在平平淡淡的日常中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,通过作文可以把我们那些零零散散的思想,聚集在一块。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是小编收集整理的My favourite animal英语作文,希望能够帮助到大家。
My favourite animal英语作文1
My favourite animal is an elephant. It has got big ears and a big body. It has got big tusks. It has got a long tail and small eyes. It can hear very well. It looks like a mammoth. An elephant hasn't got a nose. It has got a trunk. I like elephants very much.
My favourite animal英语作文2
My favourite animal is dog.
Good dogs can catch the criminals. They can swim faster than me. The dog can run very well. And it can jump high. The dog is mankind’s best friend. They eat bones.
But the dog can’t fly,and clinb trees. Please don’t give them peppers and onions.
There are many cute and beautiful dogs in the world. I have two big dogs and six small cute dogs. I like them very much. Do you like dogs?
My favourite animal英语作文3
I like dogs,because they are man’s good friends.
They can do many helpful things to us. For example,a guide dog can help and lead the blind people. A rescues dog can save people’s lives when they are in danger.Sometimes dogs can help their owner do some work! When we are bored,we can take them for a walk,we can play with them. Some dogs can also act to make fun for us.
I think dogs are cute,clever,friendly and helpful. I hope we will always remain friends. Do you think so ?
My favourite animal英语作文4
My favourite animal is the monkey. It usually lives in the forest. It is very clever. The monkey is good at climbing trees. It likes to eat fruit. Bananas are its favourite fruit. Some monkeys live in the zoo. Children love to see them. They often give some bananas to the monkeys. .Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them. When they are happy,they will act for visitors. It’s very funny.
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